About arcserve defrag for Windows XP operating system help

I am almost a new user. I am facing problems with arcserve defrag. How can I defrag a database in Arcserve ?

I am almost a new user. I am facing problems with arcserve defrag. How can I defrag a database in Arcserve ?
In case you want to create more disk space, you will need to either manually delete the output files once you have done the defrag or you can just run keybuild.
Another way to defrag a database in Arcserve will be as follows:
You database should be much smaller after that.
Run this command to defrag an ArcServe DB:
dbdefrag -L arcserve;admin;secret [db name]
That is all I can do to help you with the problem of derangement database in ArcServ, unless you load some more details of what problem you ran in to?