Asked By
T McDuffy
25 points
Posted on - 07/22/2016
Often even after we have configured our apache server properly, it keeps freezing for periods of time though no possible integration problem is found. Most common cause of this sudden stopping or freezing issues is the low availability of physical memory. How determine current memory usage and how to configure apache to do its best to run under current conditions?
About Memory Issue On Apache
First step in order to configure for high RAM usage conditions would be to check for memory issues. On command line of the Linux based node we can type the following command to get memory usage per running processes classified.
When physical memory is running low generally swap thrash kicks in and which starts to use swap partitions heavily instead of RAM in order to compensate, thus on low memory settings it is advised to keep the swap partitions to 256 MB. Heavy use of swap partitions can create a lot of problems in the virtual environments.
*) Settings for my sql
In my sql configuration file the following entries can be set as shown to match recommended values.
InnoDB tables can be disabled for further assistance.