About pes 2012 when creating an avatar
hi,kindly help me.im using an hp 620 and everytime i try to run pes 2012, it stops before i create an avatar and it will thereafter never respond.
hi,kindly help me.im using an hp 620 and everytime i try to run pes 2012, it stops before i create an avatar and it will thereafter never respond.
Chances are very high that the problem you are experiencing could be due to your graphics card. First of all, you will need to download a PS Edit. There are many sites in which you can get this. Personally, I used http://ww1.peseditblog.com . One of the good things about this edit is that it usually gives you the names of real players as well as their teams. The disadvantage with PES Edit is that there are some things which you can do with it and there are some things which you cannot do with it.
After you have installed PES Edit, go to the folder titled Kitserver and open the file config.exe. At this juncture, edit the settings so that the custom ratio now reads 'automatic'. The details at this point should be changed to read 'high'. NB: Without these two settings, the game is not going to work. It is also advisable to set the resolution to be 1280X720 but this is not compulsory. You can still play the game without the resolution being this high.
After you have done this, you MUST save the changes. After you have saved the changes, open the file manager.exe and then choose PES2012.exe and click on the attachment there. You are now ready to play the game and create your avatar without any hindrances. NB: Do not forget to play the game when you are logged in as administrator.
This worked for me and I don't know anybody else who has been experiencing the same problem. However, I hope it works for you too!
Happy Gaming and may your favorite team win!