Absence of computer software program

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I was doing my thesis then, when i am saving for the final one i decided to delete and remove files that are not valuable. And for computers memory to be fast purposes, I also check some insignificant application on my computer. I keenly look for it, but it's not there. I checked the software but it has none add/remove program. What problem of my computer is currently facing now?


Best Answer by Alicia Dunn
Answered By 0 points N/A #80540

Absence of computer software program


You might have accidentally deleted a module or a program. Always use a cleaner to remove unwanted/unused programs on your computer. Practically just deleting them could leave you with files usually corrupted that can wreck your registry. With that the best tool that I can recommend for you would be CCleaner. Its free, it’s fast, and it does best at what its designed for, keeping your pc clean and tidy. After checking your registry, reboot your system and then try to open back your thesis, or any other program, it should be faster. CCleaner does what you did about deleting 2 files, for you in a clean and effective way.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #80542

Absence of computer software program


Hi, I hope this options could help you. 

You can search at Google with this phrase: ''Software Name Removal Tool'' where you can able to acquire knowledge executing removal of software files. Download one of it, you can choose any one from it. Run it, and it will help you with the issue. More specific one, you can go to the site: http://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/ . After installing this one, run it and go to Tools selecting the software that you want to be removed and hit the Uninstall button. Another thing to be remembered, checking of your administrator privileges of your login profile for Windows. If you absence for this one, you don't have the authority to uninstall a pre-installed program. I hope i helped you with your issue.

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