Abstract class to extend for Zend framework star rating Plugin

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Zend framework for a certain project because of its object-oriented approach.

What abstract class should I extend to create a Zend framework star rating plugin?

Best Answer by Jacobb Mackenzie
Answered By 0 points N/A #153544

Abstract class to extend for Zend framework star rating Plugin


Dear Carol Troester,

According the coding standards abstract class names SHOULD begin with the term, "Abstract". As examples, "AbstractAdapter" and AbstractWriter" are both considered valid abstract class names. 

Currently we have 2 abstract classes in ZendMvc: the ActionController and the Restful Controller class.

Both would be renamed to Abstract Action Controller and Abstract Restful Controller.

 See the link: 

it's will help you to solve your task  

Ali Baba  


Answered By 0 points N/A #153545

Abstract class to extend for Zend framework star rating Plugin


Hi Carol ,

When it comes to Art a good option to think about is attending a local abstract class may be at your near by fashion college such as FIDM or what ever lies around your area.

Or you could also find classes that are being held at venues.

May be you have a favorite artist who does a lot of abstract you could find out if they are holding any art classes that you could invest into.   

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #153546

Abstract class to extend for Zend framework star rating Plugin


Zend Framework is an open-source, object-oriented web application framework that is used in PHP 5.

If you want to write a plugin class, then include and extend the abstract class "Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract".

Method "Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract" makes the response and request objects available to controller plugins via the getRequest() and getResponse() methods, respectively. All plugin classes are registered in "Zend_Controller_Front::registerPlugin()" where as other plugins can also be registered at any time.

To retrieve a plugin, following methods of front controller are used:

  • getPlugin($class): allows you to retrieve a plugin by class name.
  • getPlugins(): retrieves the entire plugin stack.                 
Answered By 0 points N/A #153547

Abstract class to extend for Zend framework star rating Plugin


Hi Carol,

I think you could try using the Zend_Loader_PluginLoader. Items that use plugins use this class to function.

It helps you  record plugins by indicating one or more "prefix paths".

The item will then call the PluginLoader's load() method, passing the plugin's short name to it. The PluginLoader will then search each prefix path to see if a class matching that short name exists. Prefix paths are searched in LIFO (last in, first out) order, so it will match those prefix paths registered last first – allowing you to override existing plugins.

I hope this will fix it.



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