Access violation at address 00550CSA in module ‘WSHelper.exe’

Wshelper error message: Wshelper is sending this error message you can see it below attached image?
Why access is disobeying?
Does anybody know how to solve this?

Wshelper error message: Wshelper is sending this error message you can see it below attached image?
Why access is disobeying?
Does anybody know how to solve this?
Hi John,
I understand the problem you are having. The error can be caused by some reasons, generally, these situations would easily make the computer result in the wshelper.dll.mui error:
Otherwise you can use this repairing tool:
Thank you.
Hello John,
I have noticed the error you are getting says that the application you are running is trying to access the memory that is already used by another running application.
The solution is to update your hardware drivers and applications you are using. You can reboot your windows to get away this problem.
You can also try using some of the troubleshooting software like that will try to locate and fix the problem using the simple wizard.
Thank you
Hello John S Blanding,
I think that you have any software that is trying to occupying the space of your current program. Or your program is trying to occupy some more space then the Pc allot to it. In this case you have to install DirectX and if you have then you have to reinstall it that thing can solve your memory management matters .REboot the computer and after that you have to use a registry cleaner software so that you can clean the registry . And also run anti virus and make a complete scan of your Pc.
This error means that a program running is trying to access its memory while another is trying to access the memory of the first so you get access violation address. DirectX installation and hardware version can be some of the causes of this problem. DirectX may not have been installed properly. So uninstall DirectX and install it again. If this is not the cure, then try getting the latest hardware. If still the problem persists, try getting the software to know the problem of the computer and troubleshooting steps as well.