Whenever I tried to play video in KMPlayer an error is showing on my screen. And I was unable to use the minimize and maximize option also. When I clicked on OK everything will be fine. This is very irritating for me. I have the latest version of KMPlayer. Â The error that I am receiving is "Access violation at address 0477867D in module 'gen_ml.dll_'.Read of address 00000028." What can I do now? Please help me.
Access Violation in KMPlayer when playing videos
That problem is common with the Windows Vista and the Windows 7 operating systems, and to avoid it you will need to do the following:
The first thing that you will need to do is to delete the gen_ml.dll from plugins folder just in case you will not need to use them later.
Once you have done that you will need to install KMP in a folder with administrative rights.
You will need to run KMP with admin rights by right clicking on file, and then choose properties.
You will also need to disable the user account control in the windows version that you are using in case it is blocking the KMP player.
-Thompson Locker
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Access Violation in KMPlayer when playing videos
For any type interruption like unusual installation, storage mismanagement .dll file may corrupt or missing. You facing same problem.
1. Find out gen_ml.dll file from KMP player directory
2. Delete this file.
3. Run KMP installation with admin rights
(right click on .exe file and select Run as Administrator)
Hope it will work.
Access Violation in KMPlayer when playing videos
Hi Thompson,
I deleted gen_ml.dll from my plug in folder. Great. My KMplayer is functioning well now.I'm starting to love it.LOL.
Thank you so much. You are a big help!