The action cannot be completed error message

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I keep getting this error message with Microsoft Visual Studio Express. I have been working with one of my project. I am trying to load one of my current projects in Visual Studio and the first time it runs successfully. But if I try to reload the same and try to run the program the second time, I am getting an error message.

 The operation could not be completed. Access is denied

The operation could not be completed. Access is denied

After getting this error if I skip the debugging process, I can run it fine. I need to restart the program in order for me to debug the program again.

I am working on a Windows 7 Ultimate machine, which has Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 installed on.

Has anyone come across this error message?

Best Answer by Bryan Miguel
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #85154

The action cannot be completed error message


It is a common error, if you are running multiple instances of Visual Studio then turn them all off, and run only one instance. If the problem remains, then open the project Go to Project Properties, Go to Debug Tab, and uncheck "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process". See if the problem is resolved. If not  then try to install a fresh copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Good Luck!

Answered By 75 points N/A #85155

The action cannot be completed error message



The cause for the difficulty may be the uniqueness of records that have become corrupted in the system. To resolve this, attempt this solution.

  • Double-click the hard drive from the CPU.
  • On the Toolbar blackboard connect the Home-based image.
  • Double-click pamphlets.
  • Double-click Microsoft Operator Statistics.
  • Double-click  Office X individualities.
  • Press and then grip the Selection key from the tariff.
  • Connect the Leading Individuality file.
  • Slog the file to whichever extra capacity on the CPU or into the desktop.

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