Activating Option 61 of DHCP reports

How do I turn on Option 61 of DHCP reports client Identifier information in Windows XP? Where can I get information about this?

How do I turn on Option 61 of DHCP reports client Identifier information in Windows XP? Where can I get information about this?
Eventually, it took a long time to maintaining perfect management to turn on Option 61 of DHCP reports client Identifier information in Windows XP. For this sector related problem you may visit-
Here you can find out the whole process. It starting with summary about DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and it shows requirement to solve the problem. After that it detailed the main process as a described functionality.
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Also a site may be more helpful to you. It is
This site can support you about top to bottom for solvency of the problem.
Here I suggest a video clip for your more solvency-