“Activation error: Cannot set up server connection”

Hi all
Why I found the following error?
“Activation error: Cannot set up server connection”

Please help me.

Hi all
Why I found the following error?
“Activation error: Cannot set up server connection”
Please help me.
You are having an activation error, your antivirus product key was not established. You have to provide another activation key to access and to perfectly install the kaspersky antivirus. However eventhough it will be installed in your computer there are still instances and possibility that the antivirus will crash. I advise that you have to try all the possible solution but if the same problem occurs. Try to change your antivirus, I tried Avast and Avg it is working fine or if you don't want to , you can update and try the latest version of the kaspersky. And make sure that it is compatible to your computer operating system.
This error is a clear indication of a network failure. In order for you to activate your Kaspersky Internet Security product, you need to have an active internet connection so the program can establish a direct connection to the server for the product activation. This is the same with any other product that requires online activation.
You cannot activate your product if your computer is not connected to the internet. The reason for the network failure is probably a heavily congested network. This happens maybe because you are doing the product activation during peak hours like at night. It is normal to have a slow internet connection especially during early night time because most people just came from work and this is the only time they can have free access to the internet because it is not allowed during work.
If this is true, try activating your Kaspersky Internet Security during off-peak hours or during day time where there are less people using the network. You may also try the latest version, Kaspersky Internet Security 2014.
To fix this problem first of all check your internet connection. Next configure your firewall and be sure that it is allowed to access to this file or disable your firewall. Also check your data and time and be sure they are correct. Have many way to fix this problem. I highly encourage you to go this Techyv page "Kaspersky activation error: Activation problem." and take that page’s techniques to solve this issue.