Activation Of The Key Management Service Shows 0xc004f039 Error

Show your views on the 0xc004f039 error? What is the cause of the error code, and explain the methods to overcome this error message?

Show your views on the 0xc004f039 error? What is the cause of the error code, and explain the methods to overcome this error message?
When the computer has trouble connecting to the Key Management Service (KMS), when an unexpected error occurs that knows as 0xc004f039 error. The error code shows “0xc004f039: The Software Protection Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The key Management Service is not enabled.” The solutions to fix the error are given below:
• Ensure the connection of the internet is stable between the KMS host and the client.
• In the KMS firewall settings, make sure that the TCP port is not blocked by a firewall or otherwise filtered.