Active directory 2003 vs 2008

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Hi Brothers/Sisters,

I have been on this site for few months and love this site and the experts who help people here. its really awesome.

I have a questions

Active directory 2003 vs 2008 what are the major differences/Enhancements in Group policy (GPO) in these 2 versions of AD?

Can anyone help me list just the enhancements please.

thank you

Answered By 0 points N/A #93177

Active directory 2003 vs 2008


Active Directory is for Windows Architecture. It is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security and distributed resources. By GPMC ( Group Policy Management Console), we put policies, restrictions to the clients. If there is running Windows 2003 Server, when we restrict any action, command or instruction, it will apply on all the clients connected to that Domain. For Example, we want user1 (Client 1) not to make right click on its computer.

When Policy is being replicated, all Users (Clients) can not make right click on their computers. In Short, In Windows 2003, Restrictions are applied to all the clients. In Contrast, Windows 2008 Server,GPMC provides the facility to restrict and apply policy on each user (Client). Windows 2008 has some extra new features. One of them is RODC (Read Only Domain Controller). Due to this, Installation of 2008 is faster.

Group Policy Editor has a separate option. Windows 2008 have virtualization, management.

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