Active Directory Management Gateway Service (ADMGS) Errors and McAfee Anti-Virus Software

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello TechyV buddies!

I am having some problem with Active Directory Management Gateway Service (ADMGS) .  am using Windows Server 2008 on this ADMGS. However, I have encountered a problem while trying to run “import-module active directory” in Powershell. The error message is this:

“The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.”

Have anyone encountered this kind of issue? I have tried to solve this problem but I can’t find a solution to this. Can anyone help me solve this problem? I will be very thankful to any help rendered. Thank you!

Answered By 10 points N/A #150755

Active Directory Management Gateway Service (ADMGS) Errors and McAfee Anti-Virus Software


Hello Sabrina,

Check and see if you are trying to install the project server on the domain controller. If that is the case, then it is not a good idea and it could be the one causing the problem. As a result of the local security policy of the domain controller, you will encounter a lot of issues when executing any application. For that reason, it is not advisable to install Project Serber on small business servers which in real sense is just a domain controller as well as the exchange server to with some more apps included.

You will also need to check if you have installed Sharepoint server with service pack 1. Make sure that you install the service pack 1 on the project server.



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