Asked By
Quentin M.
0 points
Posted on - 08/30/2011
Lately I have been going around trying to install  Adware 2007 as this is the last version that I personally like. It seems although that fate has another choice for me. I can't seem to install this properly. I have Windows 7 Ultimate as you can see from the picture below. The error message that I get is
"Error 1402. Could not open key: UnknownInstallerProductsB0B35DEDC76B4424EAA66DDFC381DFESorceListMedia. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel."
(as a side not, I could start the installation even though I tried to run the program as administrator as it was stated on some other websites I have checked)
Thank you
Ad Aware2007 – Could not open key insufficient access to key
Maybe there is some mis allocation of the key. Or you may not have administrator privileges. If you are the only administrator of your computer or the owner of your computer, then run the program as administrator.
You need to right-click on the program and select the option "run as administrator." Â Some problem in the registry key front also. Try restarting the computer and then running the program as administrator. Shut down the computer and then restart and run the program. You will probably successfully do this .
Ad Aware2007 – Could not open key insufficient access to key
The problem may be as a result of a number of causes, and some that I suspect to be causing it are the ones below:
The Adware program that you are trying to install is not compatible to the operating system that you are using on your computer. To troubleshoot for compatibility issues, you will need to check the system specifications of your computer, and then you will use them to download the right adware program.
The next cause for that problem may be because you are not logged on to the system with administrative credentials, and the installation requires that you must be logged on as the administrator. You will need to check that.
The other cause may be the setup application itself. It may be corrupt, and therefore you will need to get another one that does not have problems.
-Clair Charles