Add 20,000 people at facebook

Asked By 110 points N/A Posted on -

Respected Friends,

I want to add 20,000 friends in FaceBook i can't do it manually because it is very rough method and it is not possible for me because i don't have so much time. I find its solution and i collect 50,000 E-Mails for inviting friends but it is very slow task. Can any one tell me more fast and elegant method with complete details.



Best Answer by jesica
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Best Answer
Answered By 200 points N/A #83686

Add 20,000 people at facebook


Hello, Mr. Shaheen Iqbal.

There is an easy solution to add even more then 20,000 friend to  your FaceBook account.

1. Copy your friends list to the word pad document.

2. Go to the options 'Account' in the right side of the homepage of  FaceBook> click edit friends> now click invite friends> copy contacts from word pad and paste in the invite friends tab > click invite.

Your invitation will be sent to the friends together.


Answered By 110 points N/A #83687

Add 20,000 people at facebook


hello Mr, I know this answer which you provide read my question again and then give me answer.

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