Adding Email Address in Entourage Address Book

How do I add an email address in cache to my Entourage address book? I am having Microsoft Office 2008, Version 12.3.1 installed on my iMac.

How do I add an email address in cache to my Entourage address book? I am having Microsoft Office 2008, Version 12.3.1 installed on my iMac.
An email address in cache means the email address is not yet in your address book but Outlook can look for it and perform an auto-complete when you type it in the "To:" field. In Windows, this is commonly saved in a .nk file. and there is a utility available to view this which is appropriately named nk2viewer. For Entourage however, the auto-complete is stored in a database and its called as the MRU or Most Recently Used list. They will not show up in your address book in Entourage if they were not there previously. You need to add them manually in your address book. For more info on the MRU, check this link out: