Adding a SharePoint file tool

You can add the Sharepoint files tool to a workplace in groove 2007 by setting up a SharePoint document library.
When you try to add a SharePoint Files Tool to a workspace, a welcome screen display will be shown together with the instructions on how you can add and setting up a connection to a SharePoint document library. Here is the step by step procedure of adding SharePoint files to a workplace in the groove,
First in the new tool, click setup to open the Select A Document Library or Folder dialog box.
Select a SharePoint site by doing this two option, in windows vista, just open the My Sharepoint Sites while on windows XP open My Network Places.
If the SharePoint site is open just double click on the documents that you wanted to synch with the groove or your network places.
But if it doesn't show up you can try to enter the URL for the SharePoint site in the Address field at the bottom of the window and then enter.
It should be synch now with your groove.
It seems that adding a SharePoint Files tool to a workspace in Microsoft Office Groove 2007 varies depending on the version of Microsoft Windows that you are using. One of the users in the Groove community says that the procedure described in the Groove Help for “Setting up a SharePoint Document Library connection” is only applicable for users using Windows XP. There is also one user who verified that the instructions do not particularly refer to Windows XP but when he tried following the steps in his Windows Vista it also didn’t work.
Here are the steps he recommends should be followed when adding a SharePoint Files tool to a Microsoft Office Groove workspace: