Please show me how to insert table in HTML/HTML5? What are the elements and the description? What are the attributes that I can use and what are the description and how to use it? What is the purpose of “cellpadding?” How can I use it in web design and how beneficial using tables? Can I change also the color of my tables? What is the difference between cell spacing and cell padding? What are data cells/ What is the purpose of it?
Please provide me answer to my questions!
Thank you!
Adding tables and organizing your HTML web page contents
Hello Janet!
There are two elements we can use in creating tables. ROWS element is used to define the rows of your table and DATA CELLS is used to define the cell data in the table. The attributes that we can use for the elements mentioned are BORDER that defines the line weight of the border, CELLSPACING defines the horizontal spacing between adjacent cells, CELLPADDING defines the vertical spacing between adjacent cells, WIDTH defines the width of the table cells in pixels, BACKGROUND specifies the background picture to be used, and BGCOLOR specifies the color to be used. Tables are efficient to use specially if you’re grouping word with connection to one another.