compares the data sets

In the comparison you can see here that ADO relies on COM whereas the ADO.NET relies on managed providers defined by the .NET CLR. ADO.NET cannot  replace ADO for the COM programmer; rather, it provides the .NET programmer with access to relational data sources, XML  and application data. In case of business model the Ado is used connection oriented models and use the disconnected models. In Ado disconnected access is provided by record set and the by data adapter and data set. The XML support of Ado is limited and of is robust support. For more detail check this link.
Hi boy,
I will explain how to compare between tow datasets using c# and you can modify this code to using in your application
First: you must modify tow datasets.
Second: you must fill tables in your datasets.
third: you must convert dataset to xml format using Getxml() function this function convert dataset to xml format and this converting provides to compare between it. If you need any extra information about xml format you can visit this site
Finally: now you can compare tow datasets if it matched or not.
This picture explain that.