Adobe Acrobat Pro and ‘Omni Page Pro’

Good Morning,
I am developing legal briefs, which contain multimedia presentations, form elements and searchable documents and it is saving on a CD. These CD’s are meant to be used by the Court. I am not a programmer or a trained designer, but just an attorney.
I have bought ‘Acrobat 7 Pro’ along with the books ‘Acrobat forms with java script’ and ‘Adobe Acrobat 7 PDF bible’. I have bought ‘DocuMate 262’ scanner and I got ‘Omnipage Pro 12’ along with it for OCR capabilities.
Are there any major changes in Acrobat 8 from Acrobat 7? So, I have to purchase ‘Adobe Acrobat 8 PDF Bible’ or any other good book available? Can anyone recommend ‘OmniPage Pro 15’ for the OCR functions or the OCR engine using by Acrobat 8 Pro is sufficient for the OCR functions? There are hundreds of pages and which one will be better?
I look forward to your suggestions.
Best wishes,