Adobe after effects cannot import files

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I want to import some files in Adobe After Effects and this is the error that appears to some files. It doesn’t appear to all files but I cannot use them all. Can anyone help me please to import the files properly ? What could be the problem ?

Thank you !

After Effects

After Effects error: Can’t import file “Transporter.ffx”: unsupported filetype or extension.


Answered By 10 points N/A #180404

Adobe after effects cannot import files



Extension ‘.ffx’  represent Preset files. This file cannot be imported, but media files, which will be used in projects. Presets are set of specific effects or plugin packages.

There are certain Workarounds to give a try:

  1. Hold option key while starting Bridge. It will start the program in a new preference. Then you will get a dialogue -: “asking to renew preference and purge cache”. Select both. Now effects should work perfectly by opening them within the Effects & Presets.
  2. Select a layer. Go to Animation>>Apply Animation Preset. Choose the file. There may be some presets, which will create a blank layer when none selected. Again, there may be some which will not work until you select a layer.
  3. Firstly, open both, i.e. adobe AE & Bridge. Now minimize the Adobe AE & switch to Adobe Bridge. Find your "Transporter.ffx" file. Right click on it<<Menu<<select the "Place in After Effects".

Hope this will help you.

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