Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time…….

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

tried to install adobe acrobat professional 8.0. After you have finished installing and I try to run the software smoothly after a long and initially appeared"adobe EPIC_APP can not be launched at this time .

Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time.You must launch at least one other suite component(such as Adobe Photoshop) before launching EPIC_APP

How to fix?


Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time.You must launch at least one other suite component(such as Adobe Photoshop) before launching EPIC_APP

Best Answer by Graham Mcnatt
Answered By 590495 points N/A #126226

Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time…….


It seems that your installation of Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 encountered a glitch in the process. It is possible that during the installation the system encountered an error and corrupted some of the files. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the application. If this does not work and you still see the same error, try installing another Adobe product like what is suggested in the error message, for example Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Reader, and then restart the application.

If the problem does not change after installing another Adobe product, you may try upgrading your version of Acrobat to Adobe Acrobat X Pro. This can easily be downloaded at Adobe’s website. You may also try checking your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. For a much thorough diagnostics on the system, use a disk utility application like PC Tools Performance Toolkit or Norton SystemWorks.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #126228

Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time…….

Hi Tarmedi!
I would like you to know that you can't launch Adobe Acrobat without any Adobe Product installed on your computer, usually when installing Adobe Product such as Photoshop, or Dreamweaver, during the installation process you will be asked if you want to install additional product and this includes the Adobe Acrobat.
But if you already have those products installed to your computer right before the error appears, try to do what the error says:
"Adobe EPIC_APP cannot be launched at this time. You must launch at least one other suite component (such as Adobe Photoshop) before launching EPIC_APP"
Launch the application you have then open the Adobe Acrobat.
Sometimes this error also happens when your software has a license issue. Make sure that you entered a right product key or serial number during installation.
If after doing all the said possible solution above, transfer these following folders to another path:
1. Acrobat
2. Adobe PCD
3. Adobe PDF
To transfer those folders, follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Go to /Library/Application Support/Adobe
Step 2: Select the three folder mention above the right-click select "Cut" or simply press to your keyboard Ctrl+x
Step 3: Now that you already cut the folders, go to My Library > Document then creates a new folder name it as "Acrobat backup folder"
Step 4: Open the empty folder then right-click select "Paste" or simply press to your keyboard Ctrl+v
Note: Do not delete this folder you might use this in future.
After transferring the folders you can now launch again the Adobe Acrobat


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