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Posted on - 12/13/2013
I am having this very unusual error while importing the frame contents to a MovieClip. I copied this MovieClip from AS 2/ Flash 8 to Flash 9 but I got the error below:Â
Adobe Flash CS3
This feature is not supported by Flash Player 9, ActionScript 3.0. To use this feature, you must target Flash Player 9, ActionScript 3.0.
I am thinking of importing from AS 3 file if that will fix the problem. But I need your ideas. Thanks.
Adobe Flash CS3, ActionScript 3.0 Error
You already got the answer, importing from AS 3 will fix the problem, or if your project is not intensively computational, rather, it is more design-oriented then AC 2 is still useful for this kind of project.
Reason for the error:
ActionScript 3.0 is not compatible with 2.0, the 3.0 ActionScript executes very fast and this version is preferable (but not necessary) for someone who is familiar with object-oriented programming concepts because it is fully compliant with ECMAScript specification while the 2.0 runs slower but also based on the ECMAScript but it is not in full compliant.