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0 points
Posted on - 11/22/2011
Dear All
I have installed SP 2 Windows XP. By suggestion I have installed Chrome.
On the chrome I got update for flash and other Adobe add on that I need. I visited one of Internet Flash sites and error message came up.
This problem I didn't have with Internet Explorer. What is the problem?
Adobe Flash Player Security
Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application on your computer or network:
Is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:
To let this application communicate with the Internet,click Settings.
You must restart the application after changing your settings.
Answered By
0 points
Adobe Flash Player has Stopped a Potentially Unsafe Operation on Google Chrome
it is reminder to update the adobe flash player. just go to settings and you will redirect to a flash security page. but before doing that just sets your flash player settings. Click on edit locations to add application location 
As you click on add location will have a new window which will represent you the recently tried application path. To add your application path select application by clicking on the Browse for files… button and select application.
After that your application will be added in that so close that web browser and restart your application which should run successfully.
Adobe Flash Player has Stopped a Potentially Unsafe Operation on Google Chrome
This is not much relevant but this problem is only generated when the browser tries to play file from local drive or network with .swf extension.
If you try to open the same file, with .swf extension, from web server then Adobe won't throw any error, and will play the video just fine.
Adobe Flash Player has Stopped a Potentially Unsafe Operation on Google Chrome
It looks like the application is not a safe one. There a lot of applications that can be downloaded over the internet. However, not all of them are safe to download and use. Many of them are just spam or contain virus. Some applications are uploaded so that the person who uploaded the app can use your information. So, you have to be very careful when you download applications on the internet.
The same application can be available for download on a number of websites. You just have to see which of them the most trusted website is and download the application from that website. Remember never to download anything from third party websites as most of them are spam.
Hope this information helps you.