Asked By
lance sok
10 points
Posted on - 10/06/2012
Hi, whenever I try to play a video song or movie in YouTube in internet explorer 8, it is not working. However, if I open the same link in chrome, it works fine, there is no issue at all in chrome. Is it because of Adobe flash player for internet explorer 8 compatibility issue? How could this problem be fixed?
Adobe flash player for internet explorer 8 is not compatible
Hi Lance Sok ,
For your problem  Adobe flash player is not compatible for internet explorer 8 but you can play & stream all videos in internet explorer 8 using the new version of  Adobe flash player 10/11 because it has been fully certified for use with Internet explorer 8. Just download it from Â and use it.
Adobe flash player for internet explorer 8 is not compatible
Hello Lance Sok
The problem is the compatibility issue with flash player and internet explorer . As you are using the version 8 and it might be possible that the flash player you are using is much older. Â You could click on the download link from the message that pops up while trying to access the flash content on internet explorer 8Â
or you could download the latest version of flash from hereÂ
If after installation, it still does not work or get crashed then follow the below link for solution
Enjoy :))