Adobe InDesign requested operation would cause objects to be too small

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


I have a PC with Windows Vista running on it. I have some problems with Adobe InDesing and I don’t know how to solve them. When I’m trying to move some objects this error gets me in the way. If I move one object and then another there is no problem in doing this, but it’s a lot of moving in this way. Now how can I move all the elements, and what is the main problem, where I have done something wrong?

Thank you !

Adobe InDesign

Requested operation would cause one or more objects to be too small.

Please check whether the stroke weight is too large.

Answered By points N/A #187360

Adobe InDesign requested operation would cause objects to be too small


I noticed that while copying files from IA using “Ctrl + A”, this usually appears and gives trouble. What I do, reselect all the parts >> copy paste again >> delete the original objects. This cleans up the error.

Every time I face this error, I do the same and it solves my issue.

You can try this too. Your problem will surely vanish.

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