I am doing movie mixing work. For this purpose I am using adobe premier software. I take some projects file from my friend. Now I want to open these files in this software at my home PC but I am receiving a plug-in error. My friend also has the same version of Adobe Premier but in his system these project files are working properly please tell me its solution.
I am trying to open .ppj file in this software it is complete project file.
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Adobe Premier Plugin Error .ppj file can’t open due to this error
For this kind of problem, the first thing you need to do is scanning your computer from virus infection and remove all infections. This might corrupt the data stored in your registry with relation to Adobe premier plug-in. After cleaning your computer from virus infection try opening the file once again. But if the application doesn’t work for the second time, just be sure that your computer is running out of virus and have a lot of space for the Adobe Premier to process projects.
Now, if you are really sure of it, uninstall your old copy and re-install a new and clean Adobe Premier on your computer. If the error persists, try borrowing the installer of your friend then use that installer to install the application on your computer and use the key, given to you by your Adobe Premier Software vendor. Do not use the license key of your friend. You may be detected by the Adobe that you are stealing your friends key.
Adobe Premier Plugin Error .ppj file can’t open due to this error
Unfortunately, this project that you took from friend used Hollywood FX 4.6 Plugin (originally made by Pinnacle). Since the Pinnacle is not anymore supporting Adobe products, the only solution for you would be to ask a friend to copy these two files and send them to you:
File HfxEdt46.PRM (located in C:Program FilesAdobePremiere Pro xxPlug-insen_US);
File Fl_HfxEdt46.PRM (located in C:Program FilesAdobePremiere Pro xxPlug-insen_US).