Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 ERROR Import VOB files?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello People,


I was about to import the. VOB file but Premiere Pro CS4 encoded an Error. I also updated the CS4 with latest updates today morning but the still the same show

Please help me by fixing the problem.

Thanks 🙂


File Import Failure

Error Message

File format not supported.

Answered By 5 points N/A #138134

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 ERROR Import VOB files?


Hi Jane,

Your Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 might have reverted back to a trial only version. This usually happens after updating. Because VOB are mpeg files, then that would not be supported. If so, you should deactivate, uninstall, install Adobe Clean Script CS4, and reboot. And then reinstall and activate the product again. Test whether you have the trial version, import an mpeg file and see if you got a file not supported error again.

Good luck,

Korber Owen

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