Adobes’ Lean Print utility features

This cost saving utility doesn’t seem to work on my Google chrome software. What might be the problem?

This cost saving utility doesn’t seem to work on my Google chrome software. What might be the problem?
The Adobe Lean Print Utility has made our printing problems lessen. It is a new software developed to minimize printing costs with lots of good features while increasing the productivity of our printing outputs. It is exciting to know that Lean Print has its innovations to track printing jobs and analyze the paper and toner savings to use at a document. Offices, homes and anybody will love to use this software. But it is a frustration that Adobe’s Lean Print doesn’t have lots of programs being supported. It has limited applicability. Lean Print does not support Google Chrome. It only supports Firefox (not its latest version) and Internet Explorer.Â
That’s true. Even if the new LeanPrint from Adobe considerably lowers your expenses on the paper, toner, and or ink you use, still the programs it supports are very limited. It doesn’t work on Google Chrome as well as the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. It also includes in its list of unsupported applications any applications from Microsoft Office excluding Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel.
Its PDF support might also have a problem since it only supports Adobe Reader 8 and later versions. Any earlier Adobe Reader versions will be incompatible. To define Adobe LeanPrint, it is an enterprise-class, software-only printing solution. The keyword “software-only” obviously states that it doesn’t use any toner or ink for the print besides the paper. This will surely reduce the cost on your printing jobs. But even if it really sounds good, it still has a lot of problems considering what PC Advisor has to say when they test it. See what they have to say on Adobe LeanPrint review.
The Adobe LeanPrint
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