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Posted on - 04/04/2012
I am a new user. I want to use advanced Weka Segmentation plugin. Can I know how I can classify to normal and abnormal brain images by using segmentation? Can someone help me to solve this problem?
Thank you.
Advanced Weka Segmentation in segment brain image
Hi Eliseloo,
Your question is a good one, and can be solved. What you need to do is to test the plugin by presenting it with the best examples of tumour or abnormal brain tissue by clicking on a class and stating it with a name such as 'class1'.
You can also paint that area.
You can retrain the classifier on more than one image.
The process will require several iterations between examples and training a classifier until the results are satisfactory.
The classifier is what is used to test the images.
The images should not contain any blurs which are being tested.
The images should be solved with the classifier to be used.
I hope this solves your query.