Advantages and Disadvantages in Using HTML to Create Basic Web Page

A basic advantage of html language is not requiring buying any software. And easy to learn and use for novice programmer and also widely supported on almost every browsers and Very similar to XML syntax, which is increasingly used for data storage And basic disadvantages of HTML that security features are limited and cannot produce dynamic content alone and also sometimes the structuring of HTML document is hard to grasp.
Deprecated tags appear in html because another language that works with HTML has replaced the original work of the tag; thus the other language needs to be learned (most of the time, it is CSS).
One of the major advantages of HTML is that it is most widely accepted language for web design they can display web pages with a broad range of colors, shapes and objects their Flexibility is high and it’s interactive with CSS, JavaScript and some applets. It is universal and easy to learn as compare to other programming languages. They require simply a text editor to edit. And disadvantages are that HTML browsers are incapable of scaling (zooming or resizing) pages.
And also HTML frames are not search engine friendly because frames are made up of multiple pages only one frame is indexed at a time.
Maybe the best advantage of using HTML in creating a web page is that it can easily be understood and created by amateur developers because of its very basic format and easy to understand syntax of the tags. This format is ideal for beginners because of its loose syntax and is supported by all browsers. Another major advantage of using HTML in a web site is that it is free. Any one who knows how to create a page using it can easily construct a web page without paying anything or purchasing a plug-in for it.
Out of all web programming languages used, the majority points to HTML as search engine friendly. When creating an SEO-compliant web site, HTML offers utmost flexibility and can generate very less problem.
Great solutions guys, thanks for your suggestions. All of you have given some nice conceptions. As a newbie web developer, I had to learn about the importance of HTML. Reading your answers, I have come to know about its advantages and disadvantages. Inspite of few demerits, I think it is great for me to start on web programming, which is the easiest way to learn creating websites. I have started it and learnt a number of codes and am continuing to learn. Many thanks to both of you for helping me to make a decision whether to learn HTML or not. Thanks to Techyv.