The advantages of manual file record over automatic file record

Am to start a small business, What are the advantages of manual file record as compared to the computerised file record system?

Am to start a small business, What are the advantages of manual file record as compared to the computerised file record system?
The Manual File Record Is Take To Long To find And To Create. Not Like Computerized You Just type and click it save
in the manual Files you can use it even there is no electricity that's The Advantage Of The Manual Files.
In Computerized The Advantage of it is you can open Your Database Anywhere check your can Print
Your Files So You have A Hard Copy. You Can save to USB.
Hope This Will Help You To Choose.
The advantages of a manual record keeping service is if there is a power failure you will still be able to look at your records. You don't have to worry about computer viruses or intruders getting into your information. In a manual system you have to worry about accuracy and the people inputting information and the mistakes that could be made. Also, with the mistakes of manually inputting information and manually setting systems up you need to be concerned about computer fraud. A large advantage to the computerized side of things is the speed that can be looked at by doing processes electronically. The electronic side of things means that reports, statements, invoices, checks, etc can all be produced quicker. You would also have more reports at your disposal if things were done electronically. The last thing you can consider is that with companies coming out with bigger and faster systems, these systems, both software and hardware, are becoming more cost effective.
Your visualizations are nice. Lee hung, I am pleased with your solution. In short, your easy explanation about the advantage and disadvantage of the Manual File Record and the computerized file record system made me realized which one I need for my business. By your answer, I have taken a decision that I will use Computerized File for my business because it helps me to take records of my business transactions, including income and expenses, payments to workers and stock and asset details.