After Effects displaying an error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


Adobe After Effects is displaying an error when I save changes to a previously saved file. Please see error below and offer your suggestions.

After Effects error: Rendering error while writing file

"". An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)

Best Answer by
Answered By 1065 points N/A #172699

After Effects displaying an error


This seems to be an issue with QT32 Server. QT32 is used to read and write QuickTime files and since you are getting issues with it, consider installing the latest version of QuickTime from the link below:

Download and install QuickTime Latest Version

You can also try deleting the Preferences file on After Effects.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By points N/A #172700

After Effects displaying an error


MOV file is such a file format that is in compressed and easily usable for streaming. The error message that is showing Adobe After Effects means the file is corrupted. That’s why while accessing the file, it is giving error saying that it is corrupted.

If you have done something error while working with After Effects, it might be the best cause that you have got the error.

But don’t worry, there is a software that will help you repair the file. It is called “Remo Repair MOV”. Simply download it and repair the MOV file.

This will surely solve your issue.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #315614

After Effects displaying an error


If this error keeps appearing every time you edit and save the file, try checking the source file. It happens to me before on another video editor and I can’t save the file, it always triggers an error. In my case, I tried to play the source video on a media player to see if there is a problem with the video itself but it plays smoothly.

The problem only happens during the saving. What I did was I converted the video to AVI since it is originally in MP4 format. After converting it, I discovered corrupt frames on the video. Those corrupt frames are probably the ones causing the error. I removed the damaged frames and it save successfully after that. So try doing it also.

If your source video is in MP4 format or in another format, try converting it first to AVI. You can use a free video converter like Format Factory to convert your file. After converting the file, load the converted AVI file to your video editor then try scanning the entire video by moving the slider slowly until the end of the video to scan it for broken frames.

Keep your eye on the video display for pixelated images. If you see one, mark the beginning and end of the frame then delete it. After cleaning the entire video, try saving it again. This should fix the problem.

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