Hi there,
While I was working in Adobe After Effects this error appeared and I had to restart After Effects to continue. Now I don’t know if I should be worried or not. Can anyone help me please with this error ? Should I be worried about this error ?
Thank you !
After effects error: An output module stopped responding. The file may be damaged or corrupted. You may to restart After Effects.
After Effects error an output module stopped responding
You need to check your quick time installation, may be QT and not AE.Â
If you a
re using latest AE then you should install the latest quick time also.
Check your color space and bit depth, is set according to the render format.
If all these things are ok, then the other solution for this problem is:
If you are using windows 7, the Micro soft sent an update regarding registries (windows 7) for 32 bit to 64 bit application. With this new application everything regarding QuickTime problem is  solved.Â
So, install this new update for windows 7