After Effects error when trying to create extruded vector shapes

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I get the following error message after selecting on the enable 3D toggle for the layer because I am trying to create extruded vector shapes in AE CS6. I searched for the solution but I could not get any query so I expect some resolution from experts. Please guide me with a solution. Thanks.

After Effects

After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: initial shader compile failed.


Answered By 0 points N/A #183576

After Effects error when trying to create extruded vector shapes


This is due to CUDA driver conflicts with ATI/AMD graphic card. This card doesn’t have CUDA features like the Nvidia Cards. Try uninstalling CUDA software. It’s the bug with AE program, which will be fixed in subsequent updates. Keep all the software and drivers upgraded to new versions.

The below mentioned are the locations of CUDA files, remove all of them manually:


Adobe has listed their recommended supported graphics cards for AE CS6.

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