I am getting After Effects warning message. An error occurred at line 0. What is this happening over here? I am fed up. Does somebody know how to resolve this? Need assistance.
After Effects
After Effects warning: Object of type layer where a number, array, or property is needed expression disabled.
Error occurred at line 0.
Comp: ‘Comp 1’
Layer: 2 ('Dump Truck 2')
Property: ‘Position’
After Effects warning: Object of type layer where a number, array
Hi Blair,
It's due to that your layer which you are assigning an effect or any expression not getting the proper value to either you clear the effect and reassign it or clear the script area and reassign it to layer its a postilion effect error it can't get right value or you enter a wrong value where position can't find in comp.
The Number() function converts the data type to make sure that it's a number that can be used by the arithmetic operators.
After Effects warning: Object of type layer where a number, array
That error could be with the program itself or Adobe After Effects. If you open a file and that file or video is corrupt, it should not load and you will receive a different error very different from this one. This error points directly to the program itself and that is Adobe After Effects. To try fixing the problem, try reinstalling the program.
Download the free version of Revo Uninstaller and install. Once installed, start Revo then select Adobe After Effects among the applications and click “Uninstall.” Follow the normal uninstall process. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click to restart later. When uninstall is complete, click “Scan” to scan your computer for any leftover files and click to delete everything it finds.
This removes everything the program created on your computer. When it is finished, exit Revo then restart the computer. After booting, install Adobe After Effects back then see if it works.