After few windows update get this error 800700C1

Asked By 35 points N/A Posted on -

Hi All,

After few windows update get this error 800700C1

Does anyone know which update it was that can generate this error?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #105356

After few windows update get this error 800700C1


I do understand you must be using Windows Vista O/S.

You can follow the Options which I have mentioned below.

Two Options how you can resolve this problem

Method One

  1. Go to start and click Run
  2. Type “CMS” (To go to the Command Prompt) and OK.
  3. At the command prompt, type net stop wuauserv, and then press ENTER.
  4. Type rmdir /s %windir%softwaredistributionwuredir, and then press ENTER.
  5. Type net start wuauserv, and then press ENTER.
  6.  Try to install updates again.

Method Two

Restart your computer and log in "Safe Mode" to install updates and then reboot to log in normal mode. 

To start your computer in safe mode in Windows Vista , follow these steps:

01. Click Start and then type msconfig in the Start Search box.

02. In the Programs section, click Msconfig.exe.

03.  In the System Configuration dialog box, click the Boottab.

04.  Click to select the Safe boot check box, click Network, and then click OK.

05. In the System Configuration dialog box, click Restart. The computer restarts in "Safe mode with networking" mode.

06. Install the updates.

After the updates are installed, restart your computer in safe mode, and then click to clear the Safe boot check box.

In the System Configuration dialog box, click Restart.

This option starts Windows in its normal mode.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #105357

After few windows update get this error 800700C1


The error 0x800700C1 you received is somewhat related to the failure to check your operating system’s license. But since you said that you already made successful updates before then this is not the cause of the problem. There is also one possible reason relating to the redirectorID of the downloaded file.

If the redirectorID [redirector identification] number of the downloaded file is lower than the redirectorID number of the file located in “C:WINDOWSSoftwareDistribution” then this error happens. You can find the entry in “C:WINDOWSWindowsUpdate.log”. To better understand it, it is two sets of different information conflicting, first is the one found on your computer and the other is the one found on their website.

This method is already mentioned above. Click Start, Run, type without quotes “cmd” then hit Enter. Next, type without quotes “net stop wuauserv” then hit Enter. After that type without quotes “rmdir /s C:WINDOWSSoftwareDistributionwuredir” then hit Enter. Finally, enter without quotes “net start wuauserv” then hit Enter. After that, update Windows online instead of the Windows Update found on your computer or simply click here: Microsoft Windows Update.

If that didn’t work, click Start, Run, type without quotes “regsvr32.exe regwizc.dll” then hit Enter. Next, type without quotes “regsvr32.exe licdll.dll” the hit Enter. Disable Windows Firewall then try updating it again. If after doing this you receive another error related to “regwizc.dll” unable to load, try downloading “SMIPI.DLL” from – smipi.dll.

Answered By 0 points N/A #105358

After few windows update get this error 800700C1


Side by side these solutions also pay a visit this Techyv post too to get more idea because this post is also addressed your problem.

Error 0x800700c1 on installing apps with Windows 8.1

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