After installing Windows can’t hear sound.

Recently I re-install my windows now when I open a song it does not make any sound. How can I solve it.

Recently I re-install my windows now when I open a song it does not make any sound. How can I solve it.
I think you didn’t install sound driver after the installation of your windows. A sound driver is a software that need to drive your sound device. It is commonly given with the computer named as motherboard disk, there are also many driver like chipset driver, video driver many more so search if you have that in your pc box. If you don’t, no problem, you can also find that in the internet search with your pc motherboard module.
Download it and install it, always try to download the file from the original site.Or you can download a master sound driver from this site.
The primary concern here did you install your sound card driver? If not, find the driver for your hardware. Your driver installation disk is bundled into your hardware packaging when bought it. It is a compact disk that contains files for installation for your hardware. Some sound devices are built-in or integrated into the motherboard of your computer. This means that the driver for your devices is also integrated into the motherboard’s driver disk.
If you don’t have these disks already, you may find them on the internet. Look for the manufacturer of your device then search for their support site on the internet.
Also consider turning on your speaker as will as checking for the speakers connection into your computer. This might be the reason.
One more thing is check your sound devices if it is muted or not or the volume level is too slow. You will see a speaker icon on your task tray, if you see that icon with red circle and slash; this means your device is muted. Just click the icon then uncheck the mute option on the device.
Dear Young Pong,
Whenever we install new window, then all the previous installed software, drivers and applications become formatted.
It is must to install the drivers again after installing the windows to make your all devices run. Otherwise the devices will just like an empty box.Â
As you said in question that you cannot hear any sound of song after installing new window.
You have not installed the sound driver. Firs, please install the sound driver then you will be able to hear any sound from the speakers.
Here is a link to download the drivers.
Download the required driver from this website.
Install the driver and enjoy listening the sounds from speakers.