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Posted on - 11/08/2011
I have a computer which is running on Windows 7 and I have set up Windows Live mail which for now is functioning well. Microsoft Outlook 2010 on the other hand has been giving me a lot of problems and I have been unable to configure it.
I am now wondering if Microsoft Outlook 2003 can work with Windows Live Mail installed on the same PC. Can someone please shed some light on this issue?
After setting up Windows live mail
Hello Jack,
Windows live mail is an email service provider that allows you to read your emails on the internet and therefore it should work well even when Microsoft outlook 2010 is installed.
The problem why outlook is not working is because you may have not configured the POP3 and the SMTP settings which will allow the incoming mails to be received and saved in the outbox inbox and the outgoing mails to be delivered successfully. Just check to ensure that the settings have been configured and configured correctly.
Mahesh Babu
After setting up Windows live mail
Hi Jack,
Windows Live mail and Microsoft Outlook are two different emailing clients, so they should work without problems and not affect each other. For windows 7 this came with Windows live mail in default and you can have them both access your email. But you don’t need to have them both working at this may give you confusion.
If you have multiple emails you can them as a sub-account for your windows live mail this will help you manage your email since they will only have one repository and you don’t need to go back on both programs.