AG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR with error code 1001 regarding a “MediaError”

Asked By 250 points N/A Posted on -


Recently I am doing a project by the Silverlight 1.0 runtime with JavaScript and my task seems to be working great on XP via IE7. 

But, when I start the task on Windows Vista in IE7, I get this message:

AG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR with error code 1001 regarding a "MediaError".

If I hit it off to send away the message, this project continues to work normally, although just an error has been thrown. I need to use lots of video as well as pre-rendered images to do this project.

Need a solution.


Answered By 10 points N/A #141196

AG_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR with error code 1001 regarding a “MediaError”


Hello Tamara,

One thing you have to know is that file paths are supported as Sources of MediaElements, and therefore it is supposed to be either http: or https:. There are some other files paths that are supported as well but are reverted to http: or https: to be used. It is very possible that the 1001 error you are getting as a result of the file not being found. You will have to note that may be a good thing for that will mean that your Silverlight App able to navigate to my hard drive mappings, which is a very good security measure. Regards, Carl

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