Ajax MySQL installation, need help with this one

Hi guys, I need help with my ajax mysql installation. Is there a website the provides step by step training or tutorial for this one. Thanks in advance for helping me out.Â

Hi guys, I need help with my ajax mysql installation. Is there a website the provides step by step training or tutorial for this one. Thanks in advance for helping me out.Â
Ajax stands for ASynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax enables the user to create nice fast interfaces and develop strong applications that has rich and attractive pages for any website.
Follow this link to access Ajax tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build an Ajax PHP application, how to use Ajax to work with tables, how you can integrate Ajax and word press blogs, how to create JQuery style Switcher to create dynamic webpages, how to build Ajax forms and JSON and response and many more other good lessons.
I hope this is useful.