The “All” and “No Replies” features on twitter
Are the new features of "All" and "No Replies" button in Twitter available for regular users (not some kind of artists or musicians)?
Are the new features of "All" and "No Replies" button in Twitter available for regular users (not some kind of artists or musicians)?
Twitter lets its users to toggle between the See “ALL” and “NO REPLIES” to switch back and forward to all those conversations of the artists/musicians etc., that they follow. ALL means viewing all the tweets of someone you follow including all the conversations with others in his mentions and replies to anyone, while clicking the NO REPLIES, you could only view those tweets originally created by an artist or who.
This feature is only available for those accounts which are verified by Twitter, Inc., and not available for those regular twitter users like me. This feature may have been enabled through the request and suggestions of other Twitter users, and if this one works fine, possibly, several more regular users might need this feature for other users they follow.