All indications on my Modem are fine but I cant browse

Here is the problem, all indcations in my ADLS modem are ok. The  modem configuration menu on my WAN shows IP acquired but I am not able to browse.

Here is the problem, all indcations in my ADLS modem are ok. The  modem configuration menu on my WAN shows IP acquired but I am not able to browse.
When you say you are not able to browse, did you receive any error messages on the screen? Also, did this happen only to one browser or several? What browser were you using when this happened and how long has it been since the issue started? Did you notice something unusual before this started happening? We need to find out the answers to all these for us to be able to isolate the issue further. Most of the times, knowing the error message that came up on screen can help us find out what exactly happened, and what needs to be done to fix the issue. In your case, since we need to assume as we don’t know other details concerning the problem, I would recommend that you try to reset your browser settings then close the browser and restart it. Also, you might want to try clearing the cache.
Hey Marydeth!
Well if you are not able to browse any site while all other things are working perfectly, then there must be some issue with your internet browser. Make sure that the browser which you are using has not enabled the "Work offline" option.
Suppose if you are using Mozilla Firefox. Click on File button on the top of toolbar and uncheck the "Work Offline" option. Also make sure that you have completely deleted the cookies and caches.
Click on Tools and select Clear recent history. In Time range to clear area select "Everything" and press ok.
Now restart your browser. It will start working.