All Nikon Error Codes And Their Fix

Hi. I don’t have a technical background at all about DSLR and I am facing problems to fix the errors in my Nikon D3000. What are the Nikon error codes? What should I do? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I don’t have a technical background at all about DSLR and I am facing problems to fix the errors in my Nikon D3000. What are the Nikon error codes? What should I do? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To know and fix an error you are facing while using your DSLR; You first need to figure out what error you are getting.
Any error message on the screen is not good for the camera and it might get frustrating as it happens. Here is the list of the errors, followed by the steps you should take to fix them.
When this message appears, it means that the camera might have some kind of error. It might happen due to oily contacts on the lens during the manufacturing process. If this happens open the lens, clean it and put it back on.
If the problem is still there, take your battery out and put it back on.
If the problem persists, contact Nikon support wing.
This error is often seen is older Nikon lenses when the aperture is not set to its minimum value. To fix this, simply set the lens aperture to its largest f-value and lock it.
This error is seen when your camera is unable to detect its lenses. If your lens is already mounted, detach it and then again attach it. By now, this error should go.
This error reflects that you don’t have any memory card in your camera. If you already have one inside the DSLR, try taking it out and then mounting it back inside. If it fails, you have to try another card. If even after this the problem doesn’t go, contact Nikon services.
This error suggests that there is some kind of issue with your memory card. This happens when you copy your pictures and try deleting them instead of formatting the card. The best possible way to fix it is to try and format the card inside your camera instead of doing it on PC. If you have already tried doing it, take your card out and then put it back on. If the error persists, contact Nikon services.