Am encountering error 1402 while installing a SP1 for inventory

Kindly help, I got some problems while I was installing a SP1 for Inventor 2012 on my XP 32 bit PC.
The encountered error 1402 is shown below.

Kindly help, I got some problems while I was installing a SP1 for Inventor 2012 on my XP 32 bit PC.
The encountered error 1402 is shown below.
Receiving error 1402 when installing Autodesk Inventor 2012 Service Pack 1 is very rare to happen. But should you encounter this error, try installing the application again.
On the error dialog box, click OK then try installing it again.
But, if on the second attempt it fails again, try installing it from the Live Update.
But before proceeding on installing it through the Live Update, check your computer first if you also have other Autodesk products installed. If you also have other Autodesk products on your computer besides this one, you may proceed on installing it through the Live Update.
But if this is the only Autodesk application you have on your computer, download first the live update zip file at
After downloading the file, unzip it anywhere in your hard drive then run the .reg file by double-clicking it. After finishing the task, you can now continue on installing it via the Live Update.