AMD-fx-4100 performance boost with increased RAM

I have an fx-4100 processor.I want to know does fx-4100 works better with increased ram like ddr3 2100 or 2400 MHz ?
If it does I would like to know how much performance boost I get ?

I have an fx-4100 processor.I want to know does fx-4100 works better with increased ram like ddr3 2100 or 2400 MHz ?
If it does I would like to know how much performance boost I get ?
The answer is yes most modern operating systems employ a method of extending RAM capacity, known as "virtual memory". A portion of the computer's hard drives set aside for a paging file or a scratch partition, and the combination of physical RAM and the paging file form the system's total memory. (For example, if a computer has 2 GB of RAM and a 1 GB page file, the operating system has 3 GB total memory available to it.) When the system runs low on physical memory, it can "swap" portions of RAM to the paging file to make room for new data, as well as to read previously swapped information back into RAM. Excessive use of this mechanism results in thrashing and generally hampers overall system performance, mainly because hard drives are far slower than RAM.