Recently we have seen several giants from all over world are very much interested in investing their business in India. It was already confirmed that the e-commerce giant Alibaba from Chinese is investing more of his business in India. Now it is told that the American tech giant Dell is very much interested in expanding their business in India. Is American tech giant, Dell interested to invest in India?
Is American tech giant, Dell interested to invest in India?
Hi Gene C Silva,
                             Now each and every company is looking to invest in India. After showing interest of Indian PM Narender Modi in investment of foreign countries in India, Many companies are showing faith in India. Dell is also looking to expand its business and India is perfect place for them. They are showing interest in investing in India much.
 Firstly Alibaba says they want to invest in India then after a day dell also stated that they want to expand their business in India. Now the investors perception is changing about India. The E-commerce business is expanding in India.