An Unspecified Error Occurred During System Restore 0x8000ffff

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have been notified several times by Windows that there are pending updates that I need to install. But whenever I try to update the system, I get an unspecified error occurred during system restore 0x8000ffff. I am using Windows 10. Can someone help?

Answered By 0 points N/A #324472

An Unspecified Error Occurred During System Restore 0x8000ffff


You get this unspecified error occurred error message with the error code 0x8000ffff when you try to update your computer due to some conflicting files that prevent you from updating your system. This is caused due to corrupt files.

The first thing you need to do is perform a complete system scan of your computer for viruses and malware. Secondly, try to update after logging in as administrator. If all this does not work then I am afraid there is some problem with the Windows Registry. Then, you need to call tech support and let the professionals handle it. This is because if done incorrectly, changes made to the registry can be fatal for the system.

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