Android 5.01- what are the main advantages and disadvantages

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Dear All, 

I have a nexus 4, 8 GB. Just last year, the latest version of the android (lollipop) os 5.0 and subsequently 5.01 was released for most devices having pure android onboard. Is it possible to walk me through the changes in the software. What are the advantages of upgrading to 5.01 and is it more stable?

Answered By 0 points N/A #193972

Android 5.01- what are the main advantages and disadvantages


Technically speaking, there is nothing much to say in this update. This is Google’s response to their unsatisfied android 5.0 users, this small update is for some bug fixes yet I think It can give a big impact to their users as one of its fixes is to prevent a factory reset bug when a user successfully unlock the screen. And this bug is a huge frustration for users that did not secure a backup of their file on their devices. So it's better to have this update and fix some bugs in your Android 5.0

Here is the log file for 5.01 updates.

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