Android And Appcompact Manifest Merger Failed

I updated ‘’ to 28.0.0. However, this resulted in a design error. In my Logcat: Fusion manifest, this error failed. How can I solve this problem?

I updated ‘’ to 28.0.0. However, this resulted in a design error. In my Logcat: Fusion manifest, this error failed. How can I solve this problem?
Paste the tools: replace = “android: appComponentFactory” in your AndroidManifest.xml file in the <application> tag
Your AmdroidManifest.xml
<? xml version = “1.0” encoding = “utf-8”?>
<manifest xmlns: android = “”
xmlns: tools = “”
package = “ru.chopcode.myapp”>
tools: replace = “android: appComponentFactory”
android: allowBackup = “true”
android: icon = “@ mipmap / ic_launcher”
android: label = “@ string / app_name”
android: roundIcon = “@ mipmap / ic_launcher_round”
android: supportedRtl = “true”
android: theme = “@ style / AppTheme”>
</ application>